We Made It to the Start Line!

Well we did it, we made it to the start line. Here we are, in Pirongia, officially Full Time Volunteers with MMM NZ. The start of a new season. The beginning of a new marathon to race and it totally feels like we have just stepped into a different world, a new adventure.

We found our new home in Pirongia at the end of the rainbow

As we look back over the last month, it is crazy how long ago lockdown now seems. We are so grateful that we live in a country that has been able to control Covid-19 so far. We have so many freedoms, that so many around the world can only dream of.

When I think back to lockdown, the thing I found hardest was losing my village. The people that I have done life with for the last 5 years, that have helped me through some crazy times and just everyday life. I had to do life without them, and that was hard, did I mention that 4 year old boys are not made for lockdown?!

Trip 1 = All the big stuff fits!

I am so thankful that we were able to leave in level 2 where this village has been able to help me pack and clean…. but I am also a little saddened by the fact that we left in level 2, life was still not quite normal, I wasn’t allowed into classes, no church meeting in person, not overly encouraged to hang out at kindy and the kids weren’t allowed to play on the playground after school while I caught up with friends. I guess I will forever remember that the country celebrated us leaving Waikanae by moving to level 1! 

I am grateful to the many people in our village who helped us prepare for leaving. To the person who packed our kitchen when we weren’t even home, thank you. To the person who looked after the kids so I could clean the carpets, thank you. To the people who scrubbed, walls, windows, ceilings and skirting, thank you. To the people who helped us pack the trailer, vehicles and road trip up with Roy to take a load, thank you. To the people who let us fill your rubbish bins when ours were full, thank you. To the people who did weeding, lawns and washed the house, thank you. To those who supplied meals and baking in our last weeks, thank you. To the teachers who cared for and taught our kids with love and respect to the last day, thank you. There are so many more people we are thankful for, for all of you that did your bit, vinaka vaka levu, thank you so much.

Trip 2 = Tetris Level 1000

We are designed to live in community, we need each other, we need each other's gifts, talents and skills, we are not designed to live alone in isolation, lockdown or quarantine. I have always been encouraged and challenged when in Fiji, the way that they live reminding me of how the first believers lived as written in the book of Acts in the Bible, “All the Lord’s followers often met together, and they shared everything they had. They would sell their property and possessions and give the money to whoever needed it.” (Acts 2:44-45 CEV) It also talks in the book of Corinthians about how we are all different parts of the same body, and we need all those parts of the body to work together to fully function to do our best. So now here we are starting our lives with a new community, a new body, a new team, a new adventure. It is a great opportunity for both Roy and myself to use the God-given skills we have to help others. 

Because ultimately, what other point is there in life but to use the God-given gifts and talents we have to do His will?

If they want furniture well then they can put it together themselves

This week is all about orientation, going over the basics of what to do and what not to do in the day-to-day inner workings of MMM. Roy and I are doing a half day of this each day this week, together with another new recruit to the team. In the other half of the days so far, Roy has been sorting out his work van and tools, moving things over to the MMM van so we can sell his van soon and next he'll be getting into the projects happening here.

A homeschooling environmental investigation into local deciduous flora

Living onsite at the MMM Centre, we are lucky enough to have a nice 3 bedroom house with 2 toilets, quite the treat when 2 kids need to go at the same time! There is also another house, four smaller units, a big workshop and a new workshop currently being constructed to replace an old one that was demolished pre-lockdown. There is also a kitchen/dining room, lounge and some offices here. There are 6 others living onsite currently, plus a lot of people coming and going with the building project happening at the moment, so it has been pretty active around here so far.

The team of volunteers onsite this week for the new workshop under construction

On the weekend we had a welcome dinner here, a great way to get to know other MMM volunteers, supporters, the board and their families a bit better. The kids loved playing spotlight around the MMM Centre afterwards with new friends.

We then celebrated Gabrielle’s 7th birthday with a trip to Hamilton Zoo and a birthday lunch with different family members. She got a subscription to a piano playing app that she is spending every spare moment on, when the kids aren’t playing ‘Catan Junior’, a game she was given. Kelepi was very excited to see another real-life Tuatara, his favourite animal at the zoo! Josh is spending a lot of time reading cartoons and drawing his own, while also moving onto creating his own board game after being inspired by ‘Catan Junior’. We are yet to get really into homeschooling in the juggle of moving and orientation, but the kids aren’t letting that stop them from learning through what they are passionate about.

Literally feeding time at the zoo

Most of our boxes are unpacked, but we are continuing to sort through our belongings as we plan towards what we take to Fiji next year. 

In a few weeks we are heading back to Waikanae for a proper farewell and commissioning service with our church, since we had to leave before services had started again, so we look forward to being able to see those of you we haven’t seen for a while and say a proper goodbye! 

Thank you all for your ongoing support and encouragement, we really appreciate you all.

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