An exciting week…

It is not every day you get a phone call from someone to say they entered your family in a competition without letting you know and that you have won it. But that is what happened to us last week! 

A lady from our church nominated us for a competition with ‘The AM Show’ and ‘Air NZ’ to win flights for 4 to Fiji… and we were one of the winners! After emailing the lady at Air NZ, she said since we have 5 in our family, we could have the 5th ticket too!

This is pretty amazing as we had been really keen to do a trip to Fiji next year, to check out where we will be living and think through what we need to take when we go there for a longer stint. Although as we are preparing to leave Waikanae and go into full time ministry it is hard to justify spending the extra money on flights to Fiji. 

But it is exciting to see God prepare the way for us yet again, he knows our needs and we are reminded that he is paving the way forward.

This week we have also had our official MMM brochure printed, which is exciting, something we pray will be a great tool as we start to raise support. This brochure has been keeping us busy for a while now. 

There are lots of bits and pieces we continue to work on as we prepare to leave Waikanae. 
This blog is a continual work in progress as we are learning how it all works, as well as working on our budget to work out exactly what we need to try and raise. We intend to rent out our house when we leave, so need to do a few things to make it meet NZ rental requirements.
The plan is also that once we leave Waikanae our kids will be homeschooled, which means they will need an exemption for school… but the catch is to do that we need to work out how we intend to homeschool to write the exemption! So there is definitely lots to keep us busy, while also trying to keep a good daily and weekly rhythm of making time for ourselves, each other and God.

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.”
Philippians 4:6-7


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